(Another part that is missing is a chat window. But when avatars are done, then the chat is a simple, trust me.)
(The IRC module will not be necessary for chat with avatars on web pages. Supporting the IRC chat protocol in addition to XMPP/Jabber is an option for later.)
So, now it is all about the "red" circle: animated avatars on a transparent layer over the web page.
The data is available, graphics is available, is just has to be painted. This sounds simple. But, it is not that simple. We are programming software that should be portable to different platforms, specifically to MacOS and Linux although the original development (and first release) is on Windows. Painting on different platforms is not as simple as it sounds, because it is not possible to use the painting functions of the operating system. These functions (called drawing API) are not available on other operating systems. And because drawing code is heavy and takes much time to write, it is not good to adapt it for each operating system.
What we need is a cross platform drawing API. Many of us use Firefox or Chrome on Windows, Linux, and Mac. These programs have the same problem. And they solved it by using cross platform drawing APIs. Firefox pains everything you see on the screen using a library called cairo. Chrome uses skia. These libraries are ways to abstract drawing, so that the display can be ported to other platforms with reasonable effort.
There are other ways to paint stuff in a platform independent way. One possibility is to use a HTML-renderer, such as WebKit. We could integrate WebKit and paint avatars and chat balloons with HTML and JavaScript. Actually, this is a good solution, because we intend to integrate WebKit anyway for program windows and dialogs. The only drawback is, that it is not much fun to write lots of drawing code in JavaScript. Also, performance might be a problem, because the drawing code would be interpreted by the JavaScript runtime and every visible element would be in HTML with CSS. This is how web browsers work and it is OK for them. But when you surf the Web and your animated avatar is painted all the time, then you don't want your avatar to take much CPU. A web browser can take much CPU while it paints a page, but after that it is silent. Avatars, however are animated and paint again and again. Very much like a Flash banner on newspaper page, that always draws CPU and slows your PC. We do not want to slow your PC.
On the other hand painting is much easier with WebKit than with graphics libraries like skia and cairo. Speed speaks for skia and cairo. The JavaScript programming issue speaks against WebKit. No easy decision. Do you have any ideas?

If you have comments, let us know.
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